Events organisers

Events organisers

Organisation role · Flexible hours
88 Walcot Street, Bath, BA1 5BD, United Kingdom
Children & youthEducation

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Girlguiding Bath
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As part of our events team you will help plan and run events, supporting our vision to help all girls know they can do anything.

Detailed description

What is the purpose of the role?

You will be part of a team who plan and run events for girls, young women and Girlguiding volunteers in Bath. The events range from activity days to camps, volunteer thanks events to taking part in carnival processions and pride.

Your role could be behind the scenes (e.g. booking venues, communications), taking part on the day or both.

Who can do this role?

Any adult with enthusiasm! Relevant experience would be helpful but is not a necessity. We ask for a commitment of around 3 hours per month, but the role may be busier or quieter, depending on which events are being planned or run.

Some of what you will do:

As part of a team:

  • Creating an annual diary of events for approval by our trustees
  • Planning and running a variety of events through the year for Girlguiding Bath members to include arranging location/hire, budgeting, activities, communications, risk assessment, consent forms, running the events. Team members may lead on parts of this, depending on preference/experience but are unlikely to be involved in every aspect.
  • Supporting Rainbow/Brownie/Guide/Ranger leaders to organise events for their own unit (could be an adventurous activity, half day trip)

It is not expected that every member of the team would be involved in every event.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

Getting there

Most planning can be done at a location to suit the team members, either in person or online. We use a variety of locations for our events.
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About Girlguiding Bath

We help all girls know they can do anything.