Day out in Devon - Volunteer Visitor Honiton

Day out in Devon - Volunteer Visitor Honiton

Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/month
Honiton, Devon, England, United Kingdom
BefriendingAccompanyingSocial contact
People with disabilitiesCommunity & familyChildren & youthOlder people

Contact person

1 spot left.
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Royal Mencap Society
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Take a gentleman with learning disabilities out for a fun trip every other month.

Detailed description

Get out of that chair, don't you know there is fun to be had?

We support an amazing chap in his 50s in Honiton who would love for someone to accompany him out of the house for some fun just 6 times a year. What you get up to is up to you, but some ideas might include:

  • The cinema
  • Going out for a walk
  • Taking in a football or rugby match
  • A cuppa in a café
  • Out for lunch (he loves a curry)

but between you you might think of something else - he is an enthusiastic and friendly person and really is up for anything!

Your admission to matches, films etc. will be covered as a carer admission. Your travel expenses would also be reimbursed. He lives close to the train station.

Any day of the week would be fine for a visit, but Mondays are likely inconvenient. Weekends visits would also be suitable.

Experience with learning disabilities is not needed for this role.

We offer a lifelong befriending service for adults with learning disabilities. Matching the skills and interests of passionate visitors with the specific hobbies and interests of the people we visit. Visitors visit six times a year to create a 1-2-1 connection, offer companionship, encourage people to do the things they enjoy and check-in on their wellbeing.

The Mencap Visiting Service was founded in 1963. It meant that the parents of a person with a learning disability could know that someone would in look in on them when they were no longer around. In this volunteer role, you will not only be providing a valuable social visit to this man, but also honouring the wishes of his parents.

About Mencap

Mencap is the leading learning disability charity in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We work with people with a learning disability and their families to challenge prejudice and change laws, and we directly support thousands of people to live their lives as they choose. We have an ambitious vision for the UK to be the best place in the world for people with a learning disability to live happy and healthy lives.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

1 spot left.
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About Royal Mencap Society

Mencap’s mission is to transform society’s attitudes to learning disability and improve the quality of life of people with a learning disability and their families.
Mencap is the leading voice of learning disability. We want to see a world where people with a learning disability are valued equally, listened to and included. We are determined to achieve this by changing attitudes, providing services and influencing those who can help us change the lives of people with a learning disability.