Independent Remuneration Panel Member

Independent Remuneration Panel Member

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We are looking for Independent Remuneration Panel Members to make decisions on the allowances payable to elected councillors, and the amount of such allowances.

Detailed description

The Independent Remuneration Panel makes recommendations to Somerset Council and city, town and parish councils within Somerset, about what elected member roles within the authorities could receive in terms of the different allowances that are available, such as:

  • The basic allowance
  • The special responsibility allowance
  • Travelling and subsistence allowance
  • Dependent carers allowance
  • Co-optees' allowance.

It also makes recommendations about:

  • The amount of such allowances
  • Whether or not increases in allowances are back dated
  • Which index is used when making adjustments and how long it should apply

It's a legal requirement for the Council to independently make recommendations for allowances payable to elected members, and this panel fulfils this requirement.

We are looking for two more panel members to join our Panel to undertake this important and responsible task. Meetings will take place online during office hours, but self-directed research can be undertaken when convenient.

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