Somerset Local Access Forum Member - Various locations across Somerset
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The Rights of Way team are looking for enthusiastic individuals to become a Somerset Local Access Forum Member.
The Local Access Forum (LAF) is an advisory body to Somerset County Council required under the Countryside Rights of Wat Act (2000). Its overall purpose is to advise the council about making improvements to public access for outdoor recreation and sustainable travel.
LAF’s can set their own priorities depending on local issues and can respond to consultations and draft policy documents. LAF members are expected to consider land use, as well as the need to conserve flora, fauna, geological and physical features.
The LAF currently meets twice a year and its members come from a range of local interests including landowners and managers, access users and other interest groups (such as health or conservation groups).
The forum is made up of 14 members of the public and 2 elected members from Somerset authorities.
This opportunity is a great way to get involved in the management of public access in the county. Engaging in consultations and draft policy documents can make a substantial difference to the management of public access.
It is expected that forum members attend the meetings and engage productively with discussions. As the forum sets its own agenda, these discussions can be varied and wide ranging but all focus on ensuring opportunities for access and exploration of Somerset are fully considered. The forum further advises the Council and other bodies on access issues and considers wider strategic issues such as Rights of Way Improvement plans.