Somerset Strimmer Scheme Volunteer - various locations across Somerset
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Detailed description
Vegetation clearance is one of the largest costs to the Rights of Way Team. By responding to clearance requests and taking on some of the scheduled clearance, more paths can be cleared and more of the paths kept clear, open, and easy to use!
What is expected of the volunteer?
• Keep those paths clear that were identified when taking on the role
• Respond to clearance requests by SCC Wardens, parish councils and PPLOs
• Always work safely, following the best practice from manuals and training courses
• Keep a record of what work has been done using the template provided
• Promote responsible use of the Public Rights of Way network by observing the Countryside Code
• Record the hours you spend volunteering
How much time will it take?
This role is designed to be flexible and adaptable to individual volunteers’ desires. You are in control! The commitment will vary depending on the amount of rights of way in the parish. There are always opportunities to get involved further if you are keen to do more beyond the above!
Do I need any skills or training?
• A willingness to work in and enjoyment of the outdoors
• Enthusiasm and safe use of secateurs
• Training in the use of a strimmer is provided