Wanted - Volunteers for St Mary's Church in Bridgwater
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Volunteers for St Mary's Church Bridgwater to help us keep the church open as a warm space and offer conversation and friendship to those who come in.Detailed description
Ours is a vibrant and happy church and we are looking for volunteers to welcome people in and/or help with any of the projects we are running.
You can offer as many or as little hours/weeks as you wish.
We are aiming to build up a team of volunteers who can come in for 2 - 4 hours at a time and can be the face of St Mary's Church.
This will be a very interesting and hugely rewarding role and would suit you if you like meeting people or have an interest in historical buildings. St Mary's Church is a stunning Grade 1 listed building and is a bellringing training centre for the southwest.
We have a wonderful cafe area which was made possible with a Government Covid Recovery Grant and grants through the Somerset Community Foundation
We run a Grubs Up session within our church where we provide a good meal once a week on a Thursday after school. This session is for families of school-aged children.
We run a well-being day on Wednesdays which is there for people to come in and chat about anything they want. It could be just for company and something to do, or it could be more serious conversations about concerns they may have. We are great listeners and can signpost. We offer crafts and games at these sessions.
We run a Toddler Group on a Tuesday morning.
Cafe is open Thursday's and are now beginning to open Tuesdays and Wednesday's as well. If you would like to help with the cafe, we would love to hear from you - we offer full training.
St Mary's Church is a wonderful, welcoming and a safe place to work. You will be working with a friendly team. If you feel you would like to be involved in any of the above projects then please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.