Home visitor

Home visitor

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Castle Cary, Somerset, England, United Kingdom
WellbeingPeople with disabilitiesCommunity & family

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Blind Veterans
Scan me or visit www.sparkachange.org.uk/o/httpswwwblindveteransorguk/opportunities/Home-visitor/77628 to join


Do you have an interest in football and would like to talk about it? If so would you like to visit a veteran and chat about sport and other things?

Detailed description

Can you spare a few hours a week to brighten someone’s day? 

We are committed to supporting our blind veterans no matter where they are. Our community home visitors provide crucial social interaction for our veterans who can’t reach our centres, and can often feel isolated or lonely. We have a gentleman in a home who would love to talk about football and current affairs too and would really appreciate spending time with someone.

By popping by once a week or fortnight to see a veteran in their area, home visitors are a friendly face that can make all the difference to our veterans. A visit could be a simple chat and a cup of tea, helping out with odd jobs around the home that can otherwise be a struggle for our veterans to complete or getting out and about in the local area. You will never be asked to do any personal care. 

Although you will be working in the community independently, your manager is only a phone call away and there is a network of other volunteers for you to link in with too. Volunteers must be over the age of 18 years and understand the importance of confidentiality and relationship boundaries. The role can be flexible around your other commitments, but we ask that you are reliable and punctual for our veterans. You will be fully trained and supported so you feel comfortable and confident in your volunteering.

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About Blind Veterans

Blind Veterans UK helps vision-impaired ex-Servicemen and women to rebuild their lives after sight loss.

We provide rehabilitation, training, practical advice and emotional support to veterans regardless of how or when they lost their sight. We’re here to help blind veterans regain their independence and live the life they choose.