CSW Volunteers

About CSW Volunteers

CSW Group is a not for profit social enterprise. We deliver a range of service nationally. We provide and deliver contracts that support businesses, young people, adults and families through key transition points in their lives.
CSW Volunteers is the volunteering "arm" of the organisation and achieved Investors in Volunteering (IiV) accreditation for 2nd time in May 2018. We recruit and support individuals into exciting and essential volunteering opportunities that support a broad range of our services.
We offer volunteering in a supportive and flexible environment. We give you access to a wide range of training opportunities which will help support the volunteering role you choose and will also enhance your own CV.
Your life skills, experience and motivation can make a difference to another individual. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to experience "The Feel Good Factor" boost your confidence, improve your employability and might even improve your mental and physical health. We can open up a world of new experiences through short term and longer term options.
