Somerset disability engagement service

About Somerset disability engagement service

The Somerset Disability Engagement Service is managed by AJM Healthcare in partnership with Somerset County Council, Mendip District Council, Sedgemoor District Council, South Somerset District Council and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.

The disability support service provides a platform for the disabled community to get themselves heard in wider forums. It identifies potential areas of concern and brings understanding of the needs and concerns of the disabled community in Somerset to those who make the decisions.

Our partnership and engagement team makes sure that disabled people, their carers and organisations representing disabled people are actively involved in the way that the services they use are continually developed.

We actively seek out individuals, groups and organisations to explore key issues in more depth. This provides an opportunity to work collaboratively to co-design solutions for the benefit of all.

Our guiding principles are to

have ongoing, meaningful conversations that support collaborative solutions
incorporate co-production and co-design into everyday working
