Youth Unlimited CIC

About Youth Unlimited CIC

Youth Unlimited is a not for profit Community Interest Company. We offer professional Youth & Community Services in Somerset (primarily in the Taunton Deane and Sedgemoor communities).

We develop and deliver professional, inclusive projects that provide young people with support, informal education and positive opportunities.

We run Youth Clubs and groups that offer fun safe places where young people can socialise and take part in positive activities.

We deliver Street Based "Detached" Youth Work that engages directly with young people in the community wherever they are (in the parks or on the estates etc).

We work with schools, supporting students to overcome blocks which may be complicating their education progress, either individually or in a group setting.

We also deliver workshops on specific issues such as relationships and substance use (PSHE).

We work with communities, housing associations, parish & town councils, Somerset in Care Council and other Community groups / projects / organisations.

We have a broad range of skills and experience in developing and delivering services for young people and young adults.
