About Age UK Somerset
Age UK Somerset's mission is to improve life for the older people of Somerset and North Somerset.
There is much to celebrate about getting older, but our later years can also prove challenging: loss of confidence, lack of mobility, financial pressures and suffering from loneliness and isolation are just some of the issues our local older people face.
We offer a wide range of popular and well-used services and activities specifically developed to meet the needs of the over 60s and we need Volunteers to help us run them. These include our Wellbeing Service - including Walk and Talk, Wellbeing Friends and Friendly Phone Calls - Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy ‘Memory Connections’ groups, Information and Advice service and lots of fun Ageing Well activity sessions. These services can not be provided without the support of our wonderful Volunteers.
As a Volunteer, whatever time you can afford to give and whichever of our many roles you decide suits you the best, your contribution will be helping more older people to enjoy a happier and healthier later life.
NOW more than ever WE NEED YOUR HELP…. A lot of older people are turning to us for support and these services can only continue with the support of people like you.